MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 01/07/2005

1. Functionality that added to JRB 1.1 by fixes (maintenance) are not listed here.
New keywords have been added that affect the appearance of the Archive Group Tree web page.  They are all in support of the new ability to define multiple archive group trees (REPORT_GROUP_BEGIN_A_TREE)

  • WEBPAGE_PREVIOUS_TREE_ICON - New optional keyword to specify a graphics file name to be used as an ICON.  It will be used as a link to a previous tree. 
  • WEBPAGE_PREVIOUS_TREE_TEXT - New Required keyword to specify the text associated with a link to a previous tree.
  • WEBPAGE_TOP_TREE_ICON - New optional keyword to specify a graphics file name to be used as an ICON.  It will be associated with the 'top tree' (the first tree defined in $GROUPS).
  • WEBPAGE_TOP_TREE_TEXT - New required keyword to specify the text associated with the 'top tree' (the first tree defined in $GROUPS
  • REPORT_GROUP_ICON - New optional keyword to specify the name of a graphics file that will be associated with a report group.


2. New optional keyword REPORT_GROUP_BEGIN_A_TREE for the $GROUPS member provides the ability to define multiple report group trees. 
Previously only one report group tree was supported.  Customers that had many thousand report groups had no choice but to put all the groups under a single tree.  Now an unlimited number of trees can be be defined.  This provides better organization and a more focused, manageable number of report groups shown in the Archive Report Group Tree web page.

3. The Sign-on web page now optionally includes a pop-up window where you can place instructions, disclaimers or a greeting. 
New keywords shown below:

  • WEBPAGE_SIGNON_POPUP_HEADING - Provide text for the heading of the pop-up.
  • WEBPAGE_SIGNON_POPUP_MSG - Provide text, html or graphics for the body of the pop-up.


4. New keyword SYSLOG_MESSAGE_LEVEL Controls which JRB messages are sent to the system log.

5. JRB can now optionally generate a separator page during document delivery. 
The new keywords are listed below:

  • REPORT_SEPARATOR_PAGE - Request separator page and position.
  • REPORT_SEPARATOR_USERID - Userid to be optinally included on the separator page.
  • REPORT_SEPARATOR_PAGE_DEFAULT -  Request separator page and position
  • REPORT_SEPARATOR_USERID_DEFAULT - Userid to be optionally included on the separator page.


6. New substitution variables have been added.  The old substitution variables dealing with time/date were all on GMT. 
New local time/date substitution variables have been added:

  • &LJBRUNDATE - LOCAL Date the report was created in the format mm-dd-yyyy
  • &LJULJDAT -  LOCAL current date in julian format: yyyy.ddd
  • &LJM - LOCAL Month the report was created.  Format: mm.
  • &LJD - LOCAL Day the report was created.  Format: dd.
  • &LJYR - LOCAL Year the report was created.  Format: yyyy.
  • &LJOBTIME - LOCAL Time the report was created in the format
  • &LJH - LOCAL Hour the report was created in the format hh.h)  &LHN - LOCAL Minutes the report was created in the format mm.
  • &LHS - LOCAL Seconds the report was created in the format ss


7. DELIVERYTYPE=JES now 'carries forward' the FCB of the original output to the new output.

8. During startup JRB now checks for the correct version and maintenance level of HTML, JAVASCRIPT and LOADLIB. (LOADLIB had previously been checked for correct version only. 

9. On the Report Group Tree web page the action taken when clicked has changed.  Clicking the group name previously expanded the group then displayed the Report Directory page.  Now clicking the group name (or ICON) will NOT expand the group, instead it will immediately display the Report Directory page

10. On the Archive Group Directory web page the status now scrolls to attract attention:

"Left click to view report. Right click to download/save report". Also added a mouse over function that pops up a small title "Left click to view report. Right click to download/save report" when the mouse is pointed at a document.

11. New keyword DELIVERY_MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE and DELIVERY_MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE_DEFAULT replaces obsolete keyword DELIVERY_CONVERSION_LINES_PER_PAGE. The obsolete keyword was effective only for PDF conversion.   The new keyword is effective for PDF conversion and most carriage control emulations.

12. The actions of some values of the DELIVERY_CC_EMULATION keyword have been changed.

13. Forces top-of-page at the beginning of each JES output dataset

14. Adds carriage control (top-of-page) to output datasets that do not have carriage control.  Controlled by the keyword DELIVERY_MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE

now requires

16. The keyword EXTERNAL_SECURITY has been changed from optional to required. Most customers will already have this keyword coded

17. Added a new flavor of TRACE command. TRACE CC

18. The keyword DELIVERY_CONVERSION_LINES_PER_PAGE is obsolete. JRB will automatically change this keyword wherever it is coded to the new keyword DELIVERY_MAX_LINES_PER_PAGE.

19. The install procedure no longer requires IBM's DFDSS to restore a dump of the HFS.  Components
of the HFS are now shipped in PDS's and copied into the HFS.

20. New section in this manual that graphically shows the areas in the web page where keywords can be used to customize the appearance

21. The maximum LRECL for the JRB CONTROL PDS is now 1000 (was 255).

22. In addition to the changes above approximately 50 other refinements and fixes were added.