Competitive software
If you have one of the software products listed in red below, you can reduce software costs by tens of thousands of dollars—Email with your current machine information for an obligation-free quote.
Or you can call 417 882 8012 to talk with someone about your software replacement needs.
LRS® VPS® | is replaced by | JES Queue for Printers |
LRS® DRS® | is replaced by | VTAM Virtual Printer |
CA-SPOOL™ | is replaced by | JES Queue for Printers |
CA-TPX™ | is replaced by | VTAM Switch |
CA-DADS™ Plus for CICS | is replaced by | MacKinney Batch to CICS |
CA-EZYEDIT | is replaced by |
SimpList |
CA-Teleview™ | is replaced by | VTAM Switch |
CA-InterTest™ | is replaced by |
Xray |
CA-Sort® | is replaced by | CICS/QSORT |
UNICOM PIE ® /CICS | is replaced by |
UNICOM Macro4 VTAMPrint | is replaced by | JES Queue for Printers |
UNICOM ® CICS/Windows | is replaced by |
UNICOM ® CICS/Comet | is replaced by | Macro Level Interpreter (MLI) |
GT Software ® BMS/TS | is replaced by | CICS/MAPR II |
GT Software ® ASSIST/TS | is replaced by | Easy Help for CICS |
IBM Infoprint | is replaced by |
JES Queue for Printers JES Report Broker |
IBM ISPF Productivity Tool | is replaced by | SimpList |
IBM Debug Tool | is replaced by |
Xray |
Compuware Xpediter | is replaced by |
Xray |
Compuware Abend-AID | is replaced by | Dump Detective for CICS |
Converting to CICS TS V4.2 up to TS 5.5?
Macro Level Interpreter
(z/OS and VSE)
Have your Comet maintenance or upgrade fees gone out of sight? Consider replacing it with Macro Level Interpreter (MLI).
VS/Cobol Interpreter
allows programs written and compiled with OS/VS COBOL to execute in supported releases of the CICS Transaction Server. No program changes or recompiles are required. Continue seamlessly running your OS/VS COBOL programs in CICS TS V4 and V5.
Session Managers
VTAM/Switch (z/OS and VSE) replaces VTAM session managers. Check out its list of features, functions, and price vs. TPX, Supersession, Macro4/UNICOM Tubes, or the session manager you now use.
is a separately licensed component of Session Manager for CICS, allowing a single CICS terminal to function as up to eight logical terminals, each running the same or a different transaction.
Interactive, source-level debuggers for batch and CICS
Track (z/OS and VSE) replaces interactive, source-level debuggers for CICS (Intertest, Expeditor, Fault Analyzer). Track debugs online application programs written in COBOL, Assembler, and PL/1. Includes DB2, DL/1, IDMS, and Datacom support. Track supports through CICS/TS 5.5 for z/OS and TS 2.2 for VSE.
(z/OS and VSE) replaces interactive, source-level debuggers for batch. Xray debugs batch application programs written in COBOL, Assembler, and PL/1. Includes DB2, DL/1, IDMS, and Datacom support. Xray supports up through CICS/TS 5.5 for z/OS and TS 2.2 for VSE.
VSAM and Sequential file editors
is an ISPF tool for manipulating VSAM, sequential, and PDS datasets; has many of the functions of FileAid.
is a CICS-based VSAM file editor.
FileMarvel is a full-function ISPF VSAM utility for manipulating VSAM, sequential, and PDS datasets.
VTAM Virtual Printer
- Route VTAM printer datastreams to system spool; replaces LRS/DRS
JES Report Broker
- z/OS print management and distribution
JES Queue for Printers
- z/OS printing to VTAM or TCP/IP printers; replaces ESCON, Bus Tag, LRS/VPS, and similar TCP/IP or VTAM printing software
VSE/Power Queue for Printers
- VSE Print Management
- Eliminate the cost of using preprinted forms
MacKinney Print Transform
- Used with JQP and JRB to transform AFP documents
Compuware VSE Replacement Software
(z/OS and VSE) replaces interactive, source-level debuggers for CICS. Track debugs online application programs written in COBOL, Assembler, and PL/1. Includes DB2, DL/1, IDMS, and Datacom support. Track supports through CICS/TS 5.5 for z/OS and TS 2.2 for VSE.
(z/OS and VSE) replaces interactive, source-level debuggers for batch. Xray debugs batch application programs within COBOL, Assembler, and PL/1. Includes DB2, DL/1, IDMS, and Datacom support. Xray supports up through CICS/TS 5.5 for z/OS and TS 2.2 for VSE.
Dump Detective for CICS
(z/OS and VSE) - AbendAid replacement
You can simplify your dump analysis by viewing abending CICS programs online, complete with program source. Statements in error are even highlighted. Menu screens show available programs and dumps. View storage
contents such as BL cells and program registers, access EIB, TWA, CWA, and other CICS areas, and select any program from the link chain. Supports COBOL, Assembler, and PL/I programs for z/OS and VSE installations.
- View input and output screens in real time on another CICS terminal. View HTML pages sent to another browser served out from CICS.
- Replaces the userid/transaction security IBM removed from CICS releases higher than 2.3 (VSE) and in CICS/ESA 4.x+ and CICS Transaction Server 1.x+ (z/OS)
- Signoff users after a period of inactivity
CICS/Application Development
- CICS map development tool includes conversion job for BMS source from SDF, SDF-II, BMS/TS, and MAPGEN
Easy Help for CICS
- Allow users to maintain help text without requiring program changes. Easy Help can reduce your budget significantly by choosing it to replace Assist/TS (GT/Assist)
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