MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 06/16/2009

  • Added support for Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) printer transforms. Requires the MacKinney Systems product MacKinney Print Transform (MPT).
  • Email notification job name table has been added to limit email notification for a printer based upon job name.
  • Added Raw option processing to separator exit JQPFPRS4.
  • Improved the destination FAIL status code descriptions.
  • Added new destination printing status codes.
  • Added new automatic restart table for FAIL-xx status codes.
  • Added field sensitive help for JQP screens.
  • Changed the email subject line to include the printer action to cause the email to be generated.
  • Added VOLSER and SMS storage classes to dynamic allocation for temporary datasets.
  • Added two new destination line routines.
  1. Removes the SCS transparent character and following length byte from the data stream.
  2. Removes the SCS transparent character and following length byte and sends transparent data to printer ASIS.
  • B37 ABENDs for the LPD temporary datasets are detected preventing JQP from terminating.
  • Added support to display JQP definitions using a filter.
  • Added support to specify the VTAM APPLID on the JCL EXEC statement via PARM=parameter.