JES Queue for Printers 3.0 Release Notes
Released On: 06/16/2009
- Added support for Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) printer transforms. Requires the MacKinney Systems product MacKinney Print Transform (MPT).
- Email notification job name table has been added to limit email notification for a printer based upon job name.
- Added Raw option processing to separator exit JQPFPRS4.
- Improved the destination FAIL status code descriptions.
- Added new destination printing status codes.
- Added new automatic restart table for FAIL-xx status codes.
- Added field sensitive help for JQP screens.
- Changed the email subject line to include the printer action to cause the email to be generated.
- Added VOLSER and SMS storage classes to dynamic allocation for temporary datasets.
- Added two new destination line routines.
- Removes the SCS transparent character and following length byte from the data stream.
- Removes the SCS transparent character and following length byte and sends transparent data to printer ASIS.
- B37 ABENDs for the LPD temporary datasets are detected preventing JQP from terminating.
- Added support to display JQP definitions using a filter.
- Added support to specify the VTAM APPLID on the JCL EXEC statement via PARM=parameter.