JES Queue for Printers Features
JES Queue for Printers will print any report from the JES2/JES3 output queue to VTAM and TCP/IP printers.
- VTAM printer types supported are SNA, NON-SNA and SCS.
- Supports TCP/IP printers using the RFC 1179 Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol, Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), or "direct" socket connection. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
- Reports in the JES output queue are automatically selected based on their destination selection criteria (DESTID, CLASS, XWRITER, LINES, and FORM) and printed to the printer defined for that destination.
- Both machine code and ASA control characters are supported.
- FCB emulation is supported using the FCB images from the SYS1.IMAGELIB library.
- Five standard separator page options are available and each option can be customized to your requirements.
- Printers may be started or stopped as necessary and reports may be halted and then restarted from the last page printed or any line within the report.
- Form mounting is supported. Reports will not print unless the FORM of the report matches the current printer's FORM.
- Commands are available to display the status of reports currently printing or waiting to be printed. Commands are also available to manipulate both printers and reports.
- RACF or internal security is provided to prevent users from accessing reports and printers.
- When multiple reports are to be printed on the same printer, the report's priority determines which report will be printed first. This allows for "HOT" reports to be printed first. Each printer defined has a specified maximum number of lines allowed to prevent reports which exceed this number from printing on the printer.
- Printer translation tables are available to convert certain hexadecimal characters in the report to special print characters, for example the euro sign.
- Reports are directed to a destination name (which may or may not have the same name as the printer). This allows the physical printer to have different options (separator pages, page eject options, line width, maximum number of lines, and translate table) based on the destination name.
- Supports email notification for reports printed successfully, reports failing to print successful, reports re-queued and for printers requiring intervention.
- AFP print transforms to PCL and Postscript are supported by interfacing to the MacKinney Systems product MacKinney Print Transform (MPT).
- SMF type 6 records are supported.
- Administration screens are available to control printers and monitor reports being printed.
- Interfaces to Solimar Systems, Barr Systems, Rochester Software Associates and Xerox are available.
- Setup modules are available to send printer command codes before printing starts, before each dataset is printed or before each page to set the orientation (landscape/portrait), font, margins, etc. for the printer.
- For printers supporting Print Job Language (PJL), JQP can utilize the PJL commands to obtain the printer's status and better control the printing of reports.
- Print output may contain Single-Byte Character Set (SBCS) and/or Double Byte Character Set (DBCS).
- Printing reports to a z/OS data set is supported.
- When a printing error occurs, automatic printer retry logic is available, elimination manual intervention.
- JQP supports secured printer connections using the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. The printer must support TLS and have a valid certificate loaded into the printer.
- GDDM printing is supported by calling module ADMOPUJ.
- Reports too large to print, can be retained or queued to another printer.