MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 08/28/2002

  • Increases the MAX or "Max Print Lines" destination parameter from five to six digits.
  • Adds optional dataset names created by JQP for reports printed to a sequential file
  • Adds option to remove the reset command sent to printers after printing.
  • Adds option to release the VTAM printer after printing.
  • Adds optional default FCB parameter.
  • Adds optional 4k printer buffer size. The 4k buffer size will allow for print lines up to 4000 bytes.
  • Adds description parameter to the destination, printer and user definitions.
  • Adds option to dynamically modify the maximum number of active printers via the Control Table parameter SUBTASK
  • Adds support for Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) via the destination DBCS or "DBCS Options" parameter
  • Increases printer's host name to 64 bytes.
  • Enhances FIND command to locate any character string within the display.
  • Adds additional raw processing option for Rochester Software Associates (RSA) type printers.
  • Adds option to allow selecting reports by a different destination name rather than the name defined for the destination has been added. This new option allows for a simple printer pooling feature.
  • Adds option to select reports based upon the Xwriter name.