MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 06/13/2012

  • Added QRYL and QRYS commands to perform formatted CICS resource queries from batch
  • Alter MBCB path to only modify read-only status if file is initially closed and set for update
  • Added MBCBAGRP utility to support defining, listing and deleting APPLGRP records
  • Added resource group support for RLSQ | RLSU commands by adding GLSQ | GLSU commands
  • Added INIT CMDEXIT and INIT OPTS functions to MBCBCUTL
  • Changed MBCBCUTL PASS function to imply INIT OPTS function if Options Record is uninitialized
  • Add support for overriding default CICSUSER value for MBCBCNVS with use of PARM= value on EXEC JCL card
  • Status Tracking Utility MBCBSUTL now supports generic resource names in PRT/DEL functions
  • Added LSTGRP, LSTALL, DELGRP and DELALL functions to list and delete Resource Group(s) in MBCBRGRP utility
  • Added LSTDOM function to list Domain Applid records in MBCBDOM utility
  • Prevent CEMT SET PROG(value) NEWCOPY|PHASEIN from being loaded to Status Tracking
  • Added new optional warning return code to set MAXCC=2 to return code exit MBCBCRCX
  • Added View option to MBCS group status fast path transaction
  • Many more minor changes and fixes