SignOn 1.3 Release Notes
Released On: 02/03/2003
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- Added a new mechanism for providing security down to the function level for programs calling the API
- Added USERINQ function to return additional fields from user profile
- Documented USERADD and USERUPD functions which allow you to dynamically add a user profile
- Added USERDEL function which allows you to dynamically delete a user profile
- Added USERSUS function which allows you to dynamically suspend a user profile
- Added UDTAPUT and UDTAGET functions to allow writing and retrieving user data from a new 150-byte free form field in a user profile record.
- Added RESET function to dynamically a reset password for a suspended user
- Added TRANINQ function to return fields from a tranid profile
- Added TRANADD and TRANUPD functions which allow you to dynamically add a tranid profile
- Added TRANDEL function which allows you to dynamically delete a tranid profile
- Added TERMINQ function to return fields from a terminal profile
- Added TERMADD and TERMUPD functions which allow you to dynamically add a terminal profile
- Added TERMDEL function which allows you to dynamically delete a terminal profile
- Added REFRESH function which allows you to dynamically refresh tranid and terminal security tables
- Administrative enhancements
- Added NETNAME support for terminal profile entries. Profile can be identified by TERMID or NETNAME.
- Added history stack of last six passwords to allow password reuse to be limited
- Added invalid password limit in user profile to optionally override global limit
- Added last used (accessed) date to allow administrators to know how long since a profile has been used. The value is shown on the User Directory screen.
- Added ALL, USR, TRN, TRM options to the IMPORT and MIGRATE functions to give users the ability to only work with certain profiles. Before this release you had to IMPORT or MIGRATE all profiles.
- Added support for showing suspended status the User Directory and Update screens
- Batch report enhancements
- Added support for showing suspended status in User Reports
- Added report to list all users authorized or not authorized to execute a specified transaction
- Added report to list all transactions a specified user is authorized or not authorized to execute
- Added summary page to list records read and listed and reformatted pre-report details for clarity
- Added new fields and headers to user reports for last used status and invalid password limit
- Added command line support to signon :
- CESN USERID=userid,PS=pwd[,NEWPS=newpwd] and
- CSSN NAME=username,PS=password[,NEWPS=newpwd]
- Added support for EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK USERID command
- Added and documented additional error messages