MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 08/26/2010

4.2 is primarily a maintenance release that incorporates fixes and minor enhancements. Changes since the 4.1.06 level include:

  • Support of a LIBDEF installation of the JSF ISPF libraries.
  • Enhanced capabilities of optional user exit program JSFB0031 for the purge job.

Some keywords were added or changed in JSFIOP01 options module. They are:

  • CARRIAGE - Determines whether select code S or N will apply the job's carriage control in JSF Browse.
  • CURDATE - Determines whether or not today's date will be put in the Start Rundate in the Job Selection Panel.
  • ENDTIME - Determines whether End Time or Total Lines will be kept and shown in the Jobname Browse List.
  • KEEPDAYS - This purge job parm was expanded from a maximum of 99 days to a maximum of 999 days. 
  • PASSWD1 - JSF 4.2 uses new password program, so a new password is required for 4.2.