CICS TS release 5.4 requires IBM PTF UI48835, so z/OS logger JCL using COMPAT41V will work correctly.
Since our Forward Recovery System (FRS) JCL uses COMPAT41V, ALL releases of FRS require PTF UI48835 be applied to CICS TS release 5.4. If not applied, S0C4 and S0C7 abends will occur in FRS jobs.
CICS TS 5.4 PTF UI48835 was closed 7/22/17 and is available on "volume identifier" F707. It fixes CICS programs DFHLGCNV and DFHGTCNV, which are in the SDFHLINK Linklist library. More information for APAR PI83451 can be found here.
Note: Since the errors are in CICS modules in the z/OS Linklist, ALL releases of CICS TS are affected, when their FRS journal jobs run in that z/OS system.