VTAM/Switch 6.4 Release Notes
Released On: 09/08/2014
- Added ability to specify the VTAM/Switch license information (password(s)) in PDS source member $INIT.
- Added Application Menus.
- Added the VTAM/Switch RETURN command.
- Added scripting variable %PHRPWD. The %PHRPWD variable is populated with the password phrase (when available) or the password when the password phrase is not available. Reference Script Table SCRIPT variable.
- Added an option to start a new session with an application and prevent the assigned script from executing. Reference the OPEN and OPENN commands.
- Added an option to display all VTAM/Switch users currently using an alias. Reference the LIBRARYL command.
- Added an option to display the number of active, break and total users. Reference the LIBRARYU command.
- Added four VTAM/Switch scripting parameters %PRM1, %PRM2, %PRM3 and %PRM4. Reference new Profile Options screen and Script Table SCRIPT variable.
- Added scripting variable %DEPT. The %DEPT variable is populated with the RACF Work Attribute WADEPT. Reference Script Table SCRIPT variable.
- Enhanced the TRACE command to terminate all tracing with a single command. Reference the TRACE command.
- Added VTAM/Switch command PROFILEA to allow VTAM/Switch administrators to access another VTAM/Switch user's profile information. Reference the PROFILEA command.
- Added option to trace all RACF security calls. Reference the TRACE command.
- Enhanced LIBUX command to display Printer, Last Logon Date and Type of User. Reference the LIBUX command.
- Added option to bypass the Menu List screen for single item displays
- Reference the User Table FLAG1(3) parameter. Added 128 Byte Buffer pool expansion in VTAM exit processing.
- Prevents S106-E ABEND when the NEWCOPY command is issued for the module causing the z/OS VTAM/Switch load library to take another extent. Previous VTAM/Switch releases required defining the VTAM/Switch load library with zero secondary allocation. Now the VTAM/Switch load library can be defined with a non-zero secondary allocation
- Added option to list another user's PFkey settings. Reference the KEYSX command.
- Added option to list another user's application list. Reference the APPLX command.
- Added option to omit fields from the VTAM/Switch sign-on screen. Reference Logon Screen Fields section.
- Added option to pass the VTAM/Switch user id and password in the VTAM LOGDATA. Reference Control Table FLAGB(8) and Section 4.2 Logging on to VTAM/Switch.
- Added Timeout Purge feature for logical sessions. Reference Control Table TIMEOUT.
- For z/VSE installations, both console communication methods (WTOR and MODIFY) are available at the same time.