MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 07/22/2010

  • Support for larger 3290 screen size was added.
  • Trigger parameter option &PARM was added, reference Section 2.9 Trigger Feature.
  • Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) facility was added. For z/OS installations only.
  • Multiple line console command responses changed to MLWTO to keep all the lines together on the console and in the SYSLOG. For z/OS installations only.
  • Moved the VTAM/Switch internal task work area(s) and 128 byte buffers above the line reducing the private space requirements. For z/OS installations only.
  • The TCP/IP address of the Telnet terminal is retrieved from the CINIT RU vector data. The TCP/IP address can be passed to the application as LOGDATA.
  • Option to use "Close Dest/Pass" for any application.
  • New TRACE command option $CINIT was added.
  • VTAM Generic Resource function has been added.
  • Removed the requirement to calculate the VTAM/Switch buffer pools. The following Control Table GSFDFCT parameters have been removed: BUFDSL, BUF128, BUF64, BUF2K, BUF4K and XDSPCT.
  • Added tracing facility for failed scripting TEST commands.
  • Support for generic scripting using the APPL parameter has been added.
  • New feature to start the procedure to refresh the application menu and any "Administration Users" changes for all users currently using VTAM/Switch.