VTAM/Switch 5.0 Release Notes
Released On: 08/03/1993
- Error recovery has been improved. VTAM/SWITCH's outstanding VTAM request, hung terminals, may be canceled using the PURGE command
- VTAM/SWITCH messages may be printed.
- A new SESSION SELECTION screen is available. This screen displays the opened sessions and a list of applications available to the user.
- Masking is available for userids and physical terminal ids.
- An alias may be defined for any printer.
- Added optional new password verification for external security installations.
- Added optional timeout feature for users in BREAK mode
- MVS modify command is supported for VTAM/SWITCH's console interface
- LIBUX command is enhanced to display the user's logical sessions.
- LIBPX command was added to display all physical terminal information
- Printer control has been enhanced with options EJECT, FEED, LINESKP, and TSTAMP.
- Optional VTAM logdata or logmode, used during session open, may be assigned to each application
- An alias may be defined for any application.
- Option DYNUSER to NOT allow dynamic user for external security installations has been added.
- Logical terminals may be displayed for a specified logical group only
- Control Table (GSFDFCT) may be new copied (some limitations apply).
- Multiple scripts for same application are allowed.
- Logon macros may be displayed with the LIBRARYM command
- PFkeys are displayed on SWITCH screens
- VTAM applid for SWITCH displays in the console command interface message
- Extended Data Streams are restored after a session rotate.
- An interface to the product NETSPY is available.