MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 12/18/2001

  • Send SMTP-based Internet Email directly from CICS, without requiring an attached CICS/Fax or other supported fax\Email server. CICS-only Email can be sent in plain text and RTF format. (Messages requiring graphics or the attachment of PC files must be sent using an attached server.)
  • Upload CICS data and batch reports to an FTP server (currently requires the CICS/Fax server.)
  • A new feature called the "Copy File" function is now available. For "Copy File" requests, the data is transferred to the CICS/Fax server and then copied by the server to any authorized network path. Mapped drive letters or UNC names (like \\server1\public\myfiles\CopiedFile) can be used.
  • Print line lengths of batch reports now have a maximum of 255 bytes. Line lengths of messages submitted using the application programming interface under CICS can be up to 7978 bytes.
  • Only 31-bit versions of most programs in both z/OS and VSE/ESA are now provided.