MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Released On: 05/11/1998

  • The JQPFDFCT control table parameter SCANINT was added to allow the time PQP waits before scanning the VSE/POWER LST queue for reports to be printed to be changed to the installations requirements.
  • Priority of the print request in the Print Work Queue is initially set based on the priority of the report in the VSE/POWER LST queue when the report was selected. A new command, PRIORITY, has been added to change the priority of the print request after it has been selected for printing.
  • LIBRARYQ command has been enhanced to allow a second optional parameter to limit the display based on jobname.
  • PURGE command has been enhanced to allow a second optional parameter to purge print request from the Print Work Queue based on printer. A third optional parameter was added to purge print requests from the Print Work Queue based on the jobname.
  • On LIBRARYQ displays, the PURGE, HALT and RESTART commands can be issued for a print request entry by placing the cursor on the line of the print request to be purged, halted, or restarted and pressing the PFKey equated to the command.
  • On LIBRARYP displays, the START and STOP commands can be issued for a printer by placing the cursor on the line of the printer to be started or stopped and pressing the PFKey equated to the command.