On Line File Utility 5.0 Release Notes
Released On: 02/25/2008
- Added OLFCOPY file to store copybook names and offsets via batch.
- Added Temp Storage Queue support - both lookup and update - with copybook displays.
- Added parameter screen to identify multiple record types for a copybook and PAR function to re-display and make changes.
- Added option in DMP705 to write the TD audit to an ESDS file.
- Added option to specify TD AUDIT-LENGTH.
- Added option to specify action if a problem is encountered writing to the ESDS Audit Trail.
- Added option to display OPID in place of USERID in Audit Trails.
- Added option to set the "Record Delete Limit" on group deletes.
- Added option to set the "Record Search Limit" for selects and searches.