LCA Report Writer -FIX Release Notes
Released On: 11/20/2007
LCT7204.ZIP - 2007-11-20
FIX 7.2.04 PROGRAM(S): LCAPADHO (Listcat Plus Adhoc Report Writer) (MVS ONLY) DESCRIPTION: This adds support for a 31-bit PCCA z/OS system control block, which is possible in z/OS 1.9 and above. (The PCCA is 31-bit when SYS1.PARMLIB(DIAGxx) has CBLOC VIRTUAL31(IHAPCCA)). If the z/OS 1.9 (or above) PCCA is 31-bit and this maintenance is not applied, program LCAPADHO (Adhoc Report Writer) will abend S0C4 (system abend 0C4).