Easy Help for CICS 4.4 Release Notes
Released On: 09/25/2024
- A new screen identification method is introduced that allows you to specify both the BMS mapset name and map name.
- The Screen Directory is enhanced for screens that use the ALLBMS identification method
- A new batch program, BMSTOEZH, is added that will compare a BMS map with the Easy Help data and generate Easy Help updates to reflect the changes made in the BMS source program.
- A new option of *UNLOAD: *UNLOADL, provides a method for help administrators to specify one or more screens and/or one or more text items to be “unloaded”
- Support for UniKix/TPE and MicroFocus (now Rocket) CICS emulators has been removed.
- License passwords are no longer supported. Customers must now install the MacKinney License Keys software before being able to enable Easy Help in a region.