MBC vs. CMT UNAL command
Does the UNAL command work differently in MacKinney Batch to CICS (MBC) than it did in CICS/CEMT from Batch (CMT)?
Yes. CMT used SVC 99's to unallocate the datasets. MBC spaces out the dataset names. If you have your dataset names defined in your CSD, you do not need UNAL statements in your JCL UNLESS you are reassigning the FCT to a different dataset.
A typical CMT result for I FILE(MYFILE)
Fil(MYFILE ) Vsa Clo Une Rea Bro Sha Dsn( HLQ.MYFILE.KSDS )
A typical MBC result for I FILE(MYFILE)
Fil(MYFILE ) Vsa Clo Dis Rea Upd Add Bro Del Sha