MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Online sorting.


"blocked" TSQ record


What's a "blocked" TSQ record and why would I want them?


For CICS/QSort, a "blocked" TSQ record is similar to a disk file "block" of records, in that a single contiguous area contains multiple logical records. For example, if you have TS records that would normally be 100 bytes each you can write each of them as a single 100-byte record, or you could "block" them into an area that contained 8 of the 100-byte areas.  This would reduce the number of EXEC CICS WRITEQ/READQ calls necessary to process the same data to about 1/8 of the calls required for the 100-byte per TSQ record method.

16-byte TSQNAMEs


Does QSort support the newer 16-byte TSQNAMEs?


To sort temp storage queues with 16 byte names, EXEC CICS LINK to SMQSORTD or SMQSORTE.  For 8-byte TSQ names, LINK to SMQSORTA or SMQSORTB.

8-byte TSQ names


What's a "blocked" TSQ record and why would I want them?


For CICS/QSort, a "blocked" TSQ record is similar to a disk file "block" of records, in that a single contiguous area contains multiple logical records. For example, if you have TS records that would normally be 100 bytes each you can write each of them as a single 100-byte record, or you could "block" them into an area that contained 8 of the 100-byte areas.  This would reduce the number of EXEC CICS WRITEQ/READQ calls necessary to process the same data to about 1/8 of the calls required for the 100-byte per TSQ record method.

AUX vs MAIN storage


Does Qsort use AUX or MAIN storage in CICS?


By default, Qsort uses MAIN storage. Execute source member SORJZAP to change to AUX if preferred.

Qsort Options


Can I sort temporary storage records using more than one sort key?


You can specify up to 10 sort keys, each with its own "start", "length" and "direction" (Asending or Descending) values.