MacKinney Systems, Inc.

Recovery system for CICS files.

Forward Recovery System

Alternate indicies (AIX) and paths during recovery operation


How are the alternate indicies (AIX) and paths handled during a CICS/FRS recovery?


The alternate index is automatically recovered (when a base is) IF the UPGRADE parameter is specified on the VSAM definition.

Common problems and mistakes when using FRS


Why is FRS recovery not working as expected?  Possible symptoms include a return code of 4 or above, VSAM/FRS error codes in R15 and FDBK, or no records recovered for a file or files.


There could be a number of causes.

  1. Ensure that the RECFM in FRS (F or V) matches the RECORDFormat in the file definition in RDO, and that they both agree with the DEFINE CLUSTER's RECORDSIZE.
  2. Check that the FRS TYPE (KSDS, ESDS or RRDS) is correct. 
  3. Make sure that the journal is the correct one for the file(s) being recovered, that the JOURNAL DD SUBSYS and DCB parameters are correct, and if you are using a copy of the journal that it was copied with DFHJUP correctly. 
  4. Ensure the VSAM file(s) you are recovering are exactly the same as they were when opened in CICS for the timeframe being recovered.    



If we restore an ESDS VSAM file from a backup, will the recovered records have same RBA as the original online file?


Yes, as long as the original file and the recovered file have the same RECORDSIZE and CISIZE.

Print anything from DFHLOG?


Can FRS print from DFHLOG, the CICS system log used for Dynamic Transaction Backout (DTB)?


No. The FRS can only print from the journals (DFHJ01, DFHJ02, etc.) used for forward recovery.

Print program output


The recovery program only prints the record key portion of the updated record. Is there a way to see the entire record update?


Yes, by using the print program. It has a variety of output options, one of which is to print the whole record being added, updated, or deleted.

Proper way to copy a z/OS journal for later use by CICS/FRS


How do you copy a z/OS journal for later use by CICS/FRS?


You must use IBM journal utility program DFHJUP as follows.


For SYSUT4, use the following DCB:

For SYSIN, use:

Full sample JCL is in SAMPLIB member JCOPYTS. 

Proper way to read a "live" z/OS journal with FRS


What should your JCL look like when reading a "live" z/OS journal with the recovery program (FRSCESA) or the print program (FRSPESA)?


For the JOURNAL DD, you must include the following SUBSYS and DCB parameters:

SUBSYS=(LOGR,DFHLGCNV,LOCAL,COMPAT41V),DCB=BLKSIZE=32760.  Full sample JCL is in SAMPLIB members RECOVTS for recovery and PRINTTS for the print program.     


Recover AIX


Will the alternate indexes be populated or do we need to explicitly rebuild them?


Yes, but only if the AIXs are present at the time of FRS recovery and have the UPGRADE parm in their DEFINE.

Recovering multiple files in one execution of FRS


Can multiple VSAM files be recovered in one execution of CICS/FRS?


Yes, as long as all of their updates are contained on the same journal.

Recovery Parameters vs. Auto Journalling


In the FCT, I have only used the 'RECOVERY PARAMETERS' and ignored the 'AUTO JOURNALLING'.
Is it sufficient to change only the 'RECOVERY PARAMETERS' of the FCT and ignore the 'AUTO JOURNALLING'?


YES, it is BEST to change the RECOVERY PARAMETERS and leave the AUTO JOURNALLING parameters alone. The RECOVERY PARAMETERS are the newer and recommended way.

Recovery Parameters vs. Auto Journalling


Is there any difference between the 'RECOVERY PARAMETERS' and 'AUTO JOURNALLING' of the CICS FCT? Is there any consideration before choosing which to use for VSAM Forward Recovery purpose?


YES.  Some of the AUTO JOURNALLING parameters (specifically JNLadd = Before or ALL) can cause problems because Before and All journal records are written Before the VSAM I/O. This causes CICS WRITEs to be journaled even when the DUPREC condition is raised, producing FRS duplicate record errors (R15=8,FDBK=8).

RECOVERY PARAMETERS are recommended over AUTO JOURNALLING parameters (in CICS TS).

Transaction and file timestamps


Why do the transaction and file timestamps in the FRS reports seem to be hours later than when the files were opened or when the transactions were done in CICS?


Because the third parameter of your SUBSYS parameter is specifying or defaulting to GMT rather than LOCAL time.  To fix change it to:


VSAM RPL feedback reason codes, error codes and return codes


Where can you find an explanation of the FRS/VSAM RPL feedback reason codes, error codes and return codes that may appear in the FRS recovery report, in the R15 (return code) and FDBK (RPLERRCD/reason code) fields?


Some of the more common ones are listed near the back of the FRS manual, in section 5.2 Trouble Diagnosis. 

All of them are found in IBM's VSE Messages and Codes, in the Chapter on VSE/VSAM Return and Error Codes, or in IBM's z/OS DFSMS Macro Instructions for Data Sets manual, in the chapter on VSAM Macro Return and Reason Codes. 

R15 represents the return code value in register 15 and FDBK represents the Hex Error Code (for VSE) or the hex Reason Code (for z/OS).  

When looking up the FDBK code, be sure to look in the correct table based on the return code and the type of VSAM error (OPEN error, PUT error, etc.).